
to Kingdom Maris Marriage Ministries


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If you bought a camera without proper training on how to use it—and you completely disregarded the manual—you’d be foolish to get angry when you couldn’t operate it. It is just as foolish to try to operate a marriage without reading its proper manual, the Bible. Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his
wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24 kjv). Men, you are to leave your mother and father and cleave to the woman you marry. The result? You and your wife become one flesh. Marriage is when two separate, unique, and whole persons (one male, one female) make a covenant to exchange vows, committing themselves to remain together until death. When you continually place your parents’ opinions and views before your spouse’s, you are planting. seeds of destruction, and you will eat the fruit of divorce. The boundary that God has established for the one-flesh experience is the husband-and-wife relationship. Marriage enables us to enjoy sex to the fullest. Sex is a physical sign of a spiritual act— the giving of oneself completely to another and for another.

Choose your program below to see how we can help



Pre-Marital Counseling $75 per session

a form of couples therapy that can help you and your partner prepare for marriage by discussing important issues, such as finances, roles, family, and expectations. It can also help you identify potential conflict areas and equip you with tools to navigate them successfully.


Kingdom Singleness Workshops

Singleness, like marriage, bears a meaningful imprint by God. If you’re single and feeling incomplete or even like a second-class citizen in Christian circles, We want to encourage you to live fully where you are.


Dating & Waiting

The importance of sharing your faith in God. The need for personal wholeness. The importance of true friendship in a relationship. The myths of finding the right person. How to discern the right mate.


Marriage Counseling $95 per session

Questionnaire, and workbook included

Online or Onsite sessions - Marriage counseling exists to help couples understand God's covenant in Kingdom Marriages and how to resolve these issues, understand each other better and improve relationship dynamics and communication.


Personal Development

Foundational biblical truths that will guide you in your personal life and growth in God as an individual.


Topical Courses - Cost per course

Available marriage, relationship courses online in various topics



We are certified licensed pastors and marriage counselors with years of experience. God ordains our ministry to bring forth deliverance and healing in marriage. Our mandate is to introduce you to your first love (God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit), then from that encounter, you experience God's living waters of love. 

Pray: I want my marriage to be evidence of a LOVE that supersedes comprehension..... The supernatural love of God! Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. We want your marriage to see its hidden potential and give you the necessary tools to develop and grow.

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Join Our Sunday Sessions

Come sit with the Maris's as we discuss the bible and learning about who we are in Christ!

We meet every Sunday at 4 p.m. through our livestream community!

Click the link below and become apart of the community!


True love is not the kind of love you talk about. It’s the kind of love you get to be about love responds. it does not react. When you react, you blurt out things without thinking. By that time, you’ve said something hurtful and wounded a spirit, usually the one belonging to the person you love the most. Take a deep breath and count to ten.

A husband’s purpose is to lead, teach, and stay in the presence of the Lord so that he can know here his family is going and where they should be going. A husband without a clear purpose and vision for his life makes for a frustrated wife. Your wife is a helpmate, but if you’re not doing anything, how can you expect your wife to help with it?

More than 200,000 people agree

that we are different in our biblical approach to counseling!

We agree because "The HolySpirit" is our teacher!"

Pastor Charles & LaDeidre Maris






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